Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介 类似rpm包管理器的Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介



Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介 类似rpm包管理器的Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介

  2021-03-19 我要评论
想了解类似rpm包管理器的Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介的相关内容吗,在本文为您仔细讲解Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介的相关知识和一些Code实例,欢迎阅读和指正,我们先划重点:Windows,Installer,PowerShell,Module,下面大家一起来学习吧。

一、Windows Installer PowerShell Module简介

Windows Installer PowerShell Module是一个开源项目,存放在微软的开源项目网站CodePlex上,下面是其主页上项目描述。

复制代码 代码如下:

Project Description

Exposes Windows Installer functionality to PowerShell, providing means to query installed product and patch information and to query views on packages.

PowerShell is a powerful command shell that pipes objects - not just text. Because of this ability, you can string practically unrelated commands together in many different ways to work on different types of objects, all built on .NET. You can use all the properties and methods of those objects passed through the pipeline instead of being limited by the text sent to you as with traditional command shells.

This Windows Installer module for PowerShell provides cmdlets ("command-lets") - similar to functions - to query package states, patches registered and applied to products, and more. You can use it to query Windows Installer products and patches installed on your system.

get-msiproductinfo | where { $_.Name -like '*Visual Studio*' }
You can even use it to determine which products installed a particular file on your system.

get-msicomponentinfo `
    | where { $_.Path -like 'C:\Program Files\*\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe'} `
    | get-msiproductinfo
And with new cmdlets in 2.2.0 you can also install, repair, and uninstall products and patches complete with progress information, and warnings and errors direct to the pipeline.

install-msiproduct .\example.msi -destination (join-path $env:ProgramFiles Example)
You can find more Examples and usage in the Documentation.

二、Windows Installer PowerShell Module主要功能:



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