Python 切片索引越界



Python 切片索引越界

KoenigseggH   2022-05-23 我要评论




a = '123'
b = a[:5]

发现结果为123,编译器没有报错。而当直接使用a[5]时即报错string index out of range。下面是测试结果。


a = "1234567890"
a1 = a[:]
a2 = a[:len(a)]
a3 = a[:15]
a4 = a[16:16]
a5 = a[:2]


This is the id of 'a' :  2707772994160
This is the type of 'a' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a' :  1234567890

This is the id of 'a1' :  2707772994160
This is the type of 'a1' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a1' :  1234567890

This is the id of 'a2' :  2707772994160
This is the type of 'a2' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a2' :  1234567890

This is the id of 'a3' :  2707772994160
This is the type of 'a3' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a3' :  1234567890

This is the id of 'a4' :  2707740774832
This is the type of 'a4' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a4' : 

This is the id of 'a5' :  2707773122544
This is the type of 'a5' :  <class 'str'>
This is the value of 'a5' :  12


  • 若切片后结果与原来相同,则新字符串所指向的物理地址就是原字符串的物理地址(a1、a2、a3)。
  • 若切片后结果与原来不同,则新字符串指向新的物理地址(a5)。
  • 若当前切片索引范围内不存在合法数值,则返回相应类型的空值(a4)。


b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
b1 = b[:]
b2 = b[:len(b)]
b3 = b[:15]
b4 = b[16:16]
b5 = b[:2]

This is the id of 'b' :  2260784433096
This is the type of 'b' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b' :  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

This is the id of 'b1' :  2260784432456
This is the type of 'b1' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b1' :  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

This is the id of 'b2' :  2260784470920
This is the type of 'b2' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b2' :  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

This is the id of 'b3' :  2260784534280
This is the type of 'b3' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b3' :  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

This is the id of 'b4' :  2260784471432
This is the type of 'b4' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b4' :  []

This is the id of 'b5' :  2260784231944
This is the type of 'b5' :  <class 'list'>
This is the value of 'b5' :  [1, 2]


  • 数组切片操作必定指向新的物理地址。
  • 若当前切片索引范围内不存在合法数值,则返回相应类型的空值(b4)。

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